Just as a retail store arranges things carefully for display to attract shoppers, we'll stage your estate for display.

We'll bring in tables to lay items out on, empty out all the cabinets, closets, and drawers, and sort them. Similar items are grouped together for maximum impact and to make it easier for buyers to find what they want.

Furniture will be polished and cleaned as needed. Lighting will be brought in for houses without natural light.

Finally, select items may be brought in to fill out the estate. For example, at an estate in Folsom, the family had removed the bedroom set. We brought in and set up a bed, nightstands, and dresser. This made sure that shoppers who would attend an estate sale to find a bed would see one for sale in the listing and pictures.

By drawing shoppers in, we give them the opportunity to buy other items from the estate.

Upcoming Estate Sales

Sacrramento 95831